Logitude Release Notes – Version R3.18
July 2018

Logitude World provides the first true online freight forwarding software solution. It combines the power of cloud computing and modern technologies with a deep understanding of the Freight Forwarding Industry.
Since Logitude’ SaaS solution is rich in software modules, Release Notes are regularly issued to keep users up-to-date about new features and enhancements, as well as changes that were made since the previous release.
This version of the Release Notes introduces new features and functionalities, and describes existing features that were enhanced.

New Features

Developments for US Customers

Management of Railway Carriage – Inland Routings Legs

Several new developments have been introduced for the management of freight carriage by rail
– Transport mode – By Rail/By Truck: For goods that will be picked up or carried by rail from or to the main carriage port, the Transport Mode field has been added to the pickup and delivery routing legs, where you can choose By Truck or By Rail.
In the on-carriage routing leg, if the selected transport mode is Inland, you will have the option to choose between By Truck and By Rail.
– Multiple On-Carriages: For FCL and FTL shipments where the packages are containers, the on-carriage routing leg can be split to have multiple on-carriages. This way, it will be possible to specify which containers will be carried by rail before others and when. The containers from the shipment packages will display in the on-carriage, only when the Split On Carriage option is selected
– Container Delivery Overview Report: This new report prints the route per container with all the necessary details, also when split from the on-carriage. To use the report, please contact us at support@logitudeworld.zendesk.com

Replacement of Customs Field Labels

In the Customs tab of shipments, Entry Summary and Entry Summary Date replaced the labels of the Customs Declaration Number and Declaration Date fields.

Developments for Benelux Countries

New Reference Field in Package Lines

A new reference field – Ref 4, has been added to the Additional References section in each shipment package line.

Printing Container References

All the references entered for a container can be printed on the Delivery Order Document (via the Docs Out tab), if the delivery was created from that container.

Developments for Mexican Customers

Printing of Payment Stamped by Mexican SAT

The interface to Mexican SAT via ProFact has been further enhanced to let you print the payments stamped by SAT, with all the necessary details. You can upload the new Payment ARP template to your environment, via the Add Document from Library link in the Document Types table (Maintenance | Others | Document Types).

Accounting Reports with VAT

Please contact us at support@logitudeworld.zendesk.com if you wish to print the exact VAT amount per invoice for each VAT type (including IVA and RET) in the following accounting reports:

  • AR Invoice include VAT
  • AP Invoice include VAT
  • AR Invoice include VAT and Routing

Integration with INTTRA

We are integrating Logitude with the global ocean trade platform INTTRA. The interface that allows you to send shipping instructions to shipping carriers and receive their responses is currently under the Pilot stage.

 Prepaid AWB Stock for using e-Booking, Schedules and Availability with KQ and AR

The Bookings module is now connected with the e-AWB stock management mechanism. While booking flights from airlines in contract with Logitude, like Kenya Airways (KQ), for each booking message confirmed by the airline an AWB will be consumed from your stock.
When a shipment is created from the confirmed booking, the stock will not change. This means that only one AWB will be consumed per MAWB opened from Bookings or directly from the AWB wizard.

Compatibility with the New Requirements from the General Administration of Customs of China (e-AWB Support)

In compliance with the new requirements (as of June 2018) of the General Administration of Customs of China (GACC) regarding FWB/FHL messages, we have added new validations to our e-AWB module. While sending those messages, warnings will be issued when any of the new requirements is missing.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Compatibility

To keep pace with the European law concerning data protection and personal data privacy, we have introduced a solution for anonymizing the users and contact details defined in your environment. It is easily applied by choosing the Anonymize option (from the More button) for a user or contact record.

Selecting the Customer in Shipments and Quotes

The New Quote and New Shipment wizards have been redesigned to eliminate the restriction of creating a quote/shipment for either a shipper or a consignee. It is now possible to select a customer from different partner types, so that you can manage your quotes and build shipments from them when dealing with another party, where neither the shipper nor the consignee is known.

Report Mail Template

Reports can now be sent out to partners, covered with a standard mail body defined in a report mail template. To use this feature, please contact us at https://support@logitudeworld.zendesk.com.

Enhanced Features

Accounting Improvements

Receivables and Payables Accounts

The Accounting tab of partner records (Maintenance | Partners | Shippers and Consignees, Vendors, etc.) now includes separate external account fields – Receivables External ID and Payables External ID – for transferring receivables (invoices) and payables (payments) records.
If you have been using accounting interfaces, the already defined accounting ID will be automatically copied to the new fields.

Invoice Amount in Russian

To display the total invoice amount in Russian on the invoice template, please send your request to https://support@logitudeworld.zendesk.com.

QuickBooks Online Interface

The interface to QuickBooks Online has been developed further and now offers the following functionalities:

  • In addition to the different types of invoices, multiple-shipment payable invoices can now also be transferred to QBO.
  • In order to transfer payments, the selected payment methods need to be translated. For this purpose, two new tables are available in Maintenance | Billings: AR Payment Methods and AP Payment Methods. They contain an Accounting tab per payment method where the corresponding External ID can be entered.

Transferring Accounts Payable Payments via Generic and Advanced Generic Interfaces

The AP Payments Transfer option has been developed for transferring payable payments to accounting systems using the Generic or Advanced Generic Interface. To enable this option, the AP Payment Transfer parameter in Accounting | Settings | Accounting System must be switched on after selecting the Generic and Advanced Generic Interface as the Accounting System.

Quotes Enhancements

Copy Quote Partners

While copying a quote, in addition to the Shipper and Consignee, it is now possible to also copy the Agent and Notify partners. The additional partners display for selection in the Other Partners section of the Copy Quote dialog box.

Quote Expiration Time

The new field – Expiration Time, in the Details tab of the Quote, is especially intended for users who need to manage freight emergency quotes where the expiration time is critical.

Fields from Quotes to Shipments

When building a shipment from a quote, the values of the Move Type and Incoterm fields will be copied from the quote to the corresponding fields in the General tab of the shipment.

Improvements in Shipment Packages

Details of Goods in Ocean Shipments

Under the Packages tab in Ocean shipments, the descriptions of both goods and of dangerous goods are now displayed in the Details section at the bottom.

Commodity Columns

The Commodity Number and Name columns can be added to the container packages grid in Ocean shipments, as well as to the inside packages. If you would like to have these details display in the Packages Tab, please contact us at https://support@logitudeworld.zendesk.com.

Additional Reference

A new reference field (Ref 4) has been added to the Additional References section of each shipment package line.

Dashboard Presentation for Custom Selected Time Frame

  • Performance and activity statistics can now be presented in Logitude’s dashboards for any time frame, and not only for the predefined ranges as before (last 7 days, last month, etc.). Selecting the Custom option from the Time Range picklist, enables you to choose dates for any period of time.
  • The Activity Status area in the Dashboard from the Logitude menu, and from the Statistics tab of a customer record, can now present the information based on the Operational Date (in addition to the Create Date): actual arrival date in import and actual departure date in export shipments.

Follow-ups for Manual Events

Follow Up management is now available for manually added events. To activate this feature, you need to set the Is Folllow-Up parameter for the relevant manual event, via Maintenance | Others | Event Types.

Report Improvements

Improvements have been introduced to the following reports:

  • The Shipment Profit vs Quote Estimate report moved from CRM to the Quotes section, so that it is no more limited to First Class customers. It can also be run from environments where the defined package is Business.
  • The Shipment Charges Analysis report now shows the totals.
  • The Statement and Accounting Ledger reports can show the register and value dates.

Edit Custom Role

The Edit Custom Role button has been added to the Roles tab in the user record (via Maintenance | Others | Users) for editing the Name and Description of the custom role created for the user.

Salesman Field

In all entities where the list of salesmen is available, only users marked as Is Salesman can be selected in the Salesman field.

Transport Document Number Instead of Truck Number

In all Pickup and Delivery routing legs, Transport Document Number replaced the Truck Number label.

Editing Partner Address

The lines of all types of partner addresses, including the Main Address and Billing Address, can be edited.

Vessels Table

The following changes have been introduced to the Vessels table:

  • The Code field is no longer mandatory – you can create a new vessel without filling it.
  • A new field – Flag, has been added to indicate the country to which the vessel belongs. This field can also be added as a query column.

New Query Columns

The following columns are available for use in operational queries:

  • Final Destination: Displays the last destination defined in a shipment including the on-carriage and delivery routes.
  • First Pickup ETD: Displays the ETD for the first pickup from all the pickups in the shipment routings.
  • First Pickup ETA: Displays the ETA for the first pickup from all the pickups in the shipment routings.
  • Final Arrival Actual Date: Displays the final actual arrival date if it exists.
  • Final Arrival Estimated Date: Displays the final estimated arrival date.
  • From State: Displays the name of the state from the “from port” of the main carriage. If the shipment is inland domestic, it displays the state from the address of the From Partner.
  • To State: Displays the name of the state from the “to port” of the main carriage. If the shipment is inland domestic, it displays the state from the address of the To Partner.

New Help & Training Resources

The Help Center is continually enriched with helpful training materials that provide answers to your inquiries and help you better understand the system’s features. The following have been added recently:

  • How to Clear Logitude’s Cache – a new document that shows how to clear the system cache from different browsers.
  • Compatibility with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – a new tutorial that helps you understand how anonymization can be applied to user and contact details.
  • FWB/FHL Message Recommendations by GACC – a new tutorial that explains the new requirements of the General Administration of Customs of China.

Contact Information

For more information or to log in to Logitude, please visit www.logitudeworld.com.
For questions or remarks regarding these release notes, please open a ticket at  support@logitudeworld.zendesk.com.
For Sales, please contact:info@logitudeworld.com
Happy New Release!
The Logitude World Team

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Logitude World provides freight forwarders with advanced freight forwarding software to manage all operations on one digital platform and deliver superior freight services.

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